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10th UK Solar Fuels Symposium

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14th and 15th July 2022

The SFN team warmly welcomes all its members to the 10th annual SFN Symposium. The aim of this forum is to provide a congenial setting for SFN members to meet up and discuss the latest advances in the field of solar-driven fuels research. This is an excellent opportunity to re-connect and interact with Solar Fuels researchers in the UK. The main meeting will be held on Thursday 14th July 2022, and this will be followed by a post-graduate symposium on Friday 15th July 2022, at which PhD students and early career researchers have the opportunity to present their work.

Confirmed speakers include:

Profesor Julea Butt, University of East Anglia
Professor James Durrant, Imperial College London
Dr. Anabel E. Lanterna, University of Nottingham

Dr. Seb Sprick, Strathclyde University

Dr. Jenny Zhang, University of Cambridge


The events are hosted by Northumbria University in the city of Newcastle and organised by Dr Shafeer Kalathil

REGISTRATION is now open until 11th July 2022



Abstract submission now closed

Solar Fuels Network Membership

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