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Beyond Hydrogen Workshop

12th November 2024

The Solar Chemicals Network are happy to announce the Beyond Hydrogen Workshop

to be held at the University of Manchester and hosted by Dr Samuel Cobb and Dr Clare Megarity.

Full details will follow but provisional information is as follows:





The Venue is Royce Hub, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL

Programme starts with registration at 10:00 a.m. and talks from 10:30.  Meeting closes at 17:00.

​As hydrogen technologies mature through scale-up and commercialisation, it is an opportune time to shift focus towards the decarbonisation of those fuel and chemical industries that cannot be decarbonised using hydrogen. This meeting will bring together academic and industrial stakeholders to discuss the needs of these industries and the emerging approaches and technologies to address their decarbonisation.  Invited speakers include, Anna Hankin (Imperial), Thomas Wirth (Cardiff), Ifan Stephens (Imperial), Sorin Filip (bp), and a speaker with a biotechnological approach (TBC); the speakers will cover research in this field, spanning Power-to-X to biotechnology and electrosynthesis.  Specific topics include new approaches to target a broad range of high value products through: electrochemical CO2 reduction and utilisation, microbial cell design for C1 processes, natural product synthesis, and catalyst development for green synthesis.  The invited talks will be followed by a discussion session that aims to form new interdisciplinary collaborations to address current challenges in the field.


You can register here, there will be a £20 registration fee to cover tea/coffee and lunch breaks.  Information on abstract submission will be provided in due course.

As a result of this Workshop there will be an opportunity to apply for the Solar Chemical Network's Scientific Exchange/Collaboration Award of upto £3,000 to cover travel and accommodation.  The application form will be available after the event.

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