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Writer's pictureSolar Chemicals Network

Clare Megarity (University of Manchester) attends 75th ISE Conference, Montreal with an award from the SCN

An international travel grant from the Solar Chemicals Network enabled me to accept an invitation to present as keynote speaker, in the bioelectrochemistry section of the annual International Society of Electrochemistry conference (Montreal, August 2024).  The conference theme was “Electrochemistry – Science and Technology for a Sustainable and Better Planet” and electrochemists from across the globe presented an exceptional range of research.  As invited keynote, I had a fantastic slot which kickstarted the bioelectrochemistry session.  I met several high-profile scientists from my field, for example, Donal Leech (University of Galway, Ireland), Nicholas Plumeré (Technical University Munich), Omer Yehezkeli (Technion, Israel), David Hickey (Michigan State University), and Fred Lisdat (Technical University Wildau, Germany); it was a brilliant experience being able to discuss both my own research, and also theirs, in person.  The opportunity to present my research to colleagues beyond my immediate sphere in the UK, was invaluable because I was able to explain specific aspects of my research in more detail and was asked excellent questions that forced me to consider things from different perspectives.  A highlight for me was the plenary lecture delivered by the Nobel Laureate, Professor Rudolf Marcus – simply inspirational.        


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