We were delighted to have more than 90 registrants for the first Solar Chemicals Symposium in January. The event was held over two days at Liverpool, close to the University campus. An important part of the meeting was to introduce the community to the approach and themes of the network (biocatalysis, electrocatalysis, light harvesting and device engineering & carbon capture). I am particularly grateful to our theme leads who gave excellent overviews of the topics and led the discussions around the opportunities within the scope of Solar to Chemicals.
Across the two days there was a wide range of invited and contributed talks covering all aspects of Solar Chemistry and it was inspiring to see the diversity and depth of scientific research that is occurring in the UK at the moment. A particular highlight was the poster session and special mention goes to Romain Tort of Imperial College London for winning the poster prize for his presentation titled “Searching for the Rules of Nitrogen Reduction”.
I hope all those who attended found it as exciting as I did and also enjoyed the positive and collaborative atmosphere that everyone generated. Scientific debate and discussion are critical in maintaining a healthy, functioning research field and throughout the meeting the questions and answer sessions were a real highlight with thoughtful contributions from all involved.
We are already looking forward to our next event which will be a Biohybrids Workshop hosted by Professor Julea Butt and Dr Jenny Zhang at the University of East Anglia on the 4th July - save the date!